337-984-2035 office@riverside.faith

About us



We believe in one true God who created everything and rules over the entire universe. This incredible God has always existed and is made known to us in three ways…


The Bible, revered as God’s written Word, is a collection of writings authored by human individuals who were divinely inspired by God…


Every individual is uniquely crafted in the image and likeness of God, with a divine purpose to be in fellowship with Him and bring Him glory. As human beings, we were intentionally created as male and female, both equal in value, together reflecting a…


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has a special role in the relationship between God and humanity. In an incredible act of love and grace, Jesus willingly came to Earth as both fully God and fully human.


Through faith in Jesus in the act of baptism, we are saved and restored to a right relationship with God. Salvation is a gift received freely, not earned by our own works…


The gift of eternal life is bestowed upon us despite our unworthiness, demonstrating the immeasurable grace and generosity of God. It is a priceless gift, freely available to all who are willing to receive it…

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a personal and active presence in the world. He plays a vital role in guiding and empowering believers, convicting them of sin, and revealing the truth of God’s Word…


The church extends far beyond the confines of physical buildings, ministries, or routine gatherings for worship. It encompasses all individuals who have embraced faith in Jesus Christ…


At Riverside, we believe that every Christian has a unique purpose and calling in God’s grand plan. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to love and worship God, to grow in our relationship with Him, and to reflect His love and character…

What to expect

Visiting a church can be awkward. Let’s break the ice!

Here at Riverside, we want you to feel welcome and at home from the moment you step through our doors. Here’s what you can expect when you join us for a Sunday gathering:

A Warm Welcome
As you arrive, you’ll be greeted by our friendly volunteers and members of our church community.

Coffee and Fellowship
Grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee and take a few minutes to connect with others in your community.

Check-in for Children’s Church
If you have children, our dedicated team will assist you with checking them into our safe but fun Children’s Church program.

Inspiring Worship
Whether you enjoy contemporary music, hymns, or a more stripped-down approach, we strive to create an atmosphere where everyone can engage with God authentically.

A Real Sermon
We aim to deliver dynamic, biblically-based sermons that are honest to everyday life.

Unified Prayer
During each service we take time to join together in prayer, seeking God’s guidance, interceding for one another, and lifting up the needs of our community and beyond.

Every Sunday, we partake in the Lord’s Supper as a way to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and celebrate our unity as a body of believers.

At Riverside Church, we are committed to creating an environment where you can encounter God, grow in your faith, and experience authentic community. We invite you to join us this Sunday and be a part of our journey as we seek to honor God and make a difference in our world.

If you have any further questions or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to Riverside!

Frequently asked questions

How long does service last?

Both our 9 and 11 services last about 75 minutes. 

Services includes singing, prayer, a sermon, and communion.

Where do I sit?

If a chair is empty, it’s up for grabs! If you end up where someone else regularly sits, they’ve been well trained to just smile politely, introduce themselves, and find another seat. There are plenty of seats for everyone, we promise!

As far as audio and visual concerns, we do our best to make sure every seat can hear the mics and see the screens equally, but if you’re having issues with either, let us know and we will work to accomodate!

What about my kids?

RivKids is for children ages 1-11, and Riverside Youth is for our 6th-12th graders. While your kiddos are always welcome to be in service with you, we do offer Children’s Church during both services.

Riverside Youth meets weekly as a small group and has various events throughout the year.

What do I wear?

Really, don’t stress about what you wear to Riverside! When you walk in you’ll notice outfits ranging from jeans and a t-shirt to a full Sunday-best suit. We don’t have a dress code here, and all are welcome to dress how they choose.


Rich past, bright future

From its humble beginnings in February 1940, with just two families and a traveling minister, Riverside has grown into a vibrant and diverse community of believers dedicated to serving the Acadiana area. The congregation’s journey started in their first official building at the corner of University Ave and Oaklawn Ave in 1949. After two decades, they raised funds for a more centrally located building on Camellia Blvd, where the name Riverside was adopted and a heart for service, particularly in disaster relief, was cultivated.

In 2013, Riverside relocated to Southcity Pkwy, continuing their mission of serving Acadiana through disaster relief efforts, providing a home for addiction recovery programs and homeschool groups, community outreach, and food distribution in partnership with LOVE, Inc of Lafayette.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented Riverside with significant challenges and opportunities for growth. During this time, the congregation underwent a period of pruning and refining, resulting in a renewed focus on unity and a greater commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission. In 2022 Riverside made a bold decision to sell their property, redirecting resources towards the mission of God.

As we eagerly anticipate the launch of our new location at 3210 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy on September 10th 2023, Riverside has been gathering in the UL Student Union. We are excited to present ourselves to the community as a renewed congregation, committed to being a healthy church for messy people. Our mission is to help individuals see their purpose, serve their city, and share their stories with those who have not yet experienced the transformative power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, both locally and globally. While our buildings, methods, and even our people may change, the unwavering mission of God and His purpose for His people remains constant. We look forward to the future, eagerly following wherever God leads us to serve next!